New Release | Nicaragua Dry Process & El Salvador Honey Process

New Release | Nicaragua Dry Process & El Salvador Honey Process

Nicaragua Dry Process from Finca Un Regalo de Dios

A single varietal red catuai dry processed microlot (5 bags) from subplot La Amistad on farm Un Regalo de Dios. This coffee tastes like blueberry fudge, fresh honey, and magic and is an employee favorite!

Finca Un Regalo de Dios, which translates to ‘A gift from God’ from Spanish, is a world-renowned farm located in La Cordillera de Dipilto y Jalapa, a mountain range that spans parts of northern Nicaragua and Honduras. Managed by owner Luis Alberto Balladarez Moncada, Un Regalo de Dios (or URDD for short) has been producing some of the highest quality coffees out of Nicaragua, ranking in Cup of Excellence starting back in 2010 through to present day.

OZO’s buying history started back in 2013 with a 10 bag purchase of a washed lot. Amazed with the quality, the OZO buying team decided to more than double their purchase the following year, including asking Luis to create a dry processed coffee specifically for OZO. Without having tasted any sample, the team contracted the coffee with full trust in Luis’ ability to create an extraordinary coffee. He was able to perform and to this day we enjoy what comes out of Finca Un Regalo de Dios.

Found at an altitude of 1300-1900 meters above sea level, URDD is located within a cloud forest microclimate conducive to perfect cherry maturation. Broad leaf trees, various fruiting trees, and other flora and fauna add to the healthy environment that encircles the farm.

All coffee harvested from Un Regalo de Dios is processed at their on-site wet mill, where coffee goes through a rigorous sorting and separation process to ensure only the best cherries are processed and pushed through to customers. Once processed at the wet-mill, coffee is sent to the dry mill, Las Segovias, where lots are kept tightly tracked with batch codes and laid out in African beds for the drying process.

Luis Alberto’s commitment to quality and consistency separates him into a league of his own. Year after year, OZO is fortunate to receive top quality coffees from Un Regalo de Dios and we plan to continue this partnership for years to come.

El Salvador Honey Process from Finca San Joaquin

This mixed varietal honey processed lot has clear, defined flavors with a body and sweetness that is accentuated by the processing. Our cupping team tasted notes of milk chocolate, honey, orange, and shortbread. This is an easy drinking coffee that you’re sure to enjoy.

This El Salvador honey processed coffee release comes from Finca San Joaquin, located in Cantón Buenos Aires, Municipio de Chalchuapa within the Santa Ana region of El Salvador, just northeast of the Lamatepec volcano.

Finca San Joaquin has been a part of the Pacas family for over 5 generations dating back to 1905. Rising beyond 1700 masl, this farm is notably called ‘the farm of the morning sun’ due to its ability to receive natural light filtered through shade trees before noon, allowing the cherry to slowly ripen.

The San Joaquin farm is one of the most significant farms owned by the Pacas family. Café Pacas considers Finca San Joaquin to be emblematic of the family, as it is carefully tended for using a method called ‘agobio’ to manage the land, a practice their ancestors used to farm the same land. They hope to continue to nurture the land and teach generations to come about the rich history of this farm.

When cherries are ripe, they are carefully hand-picked, sorted for proper color, then transported to their mill known as Vivagua, where strict quality control is upheld. The cherry pulp is removed and then laid out on patios to dry with 100% of the mucilage still on the parchment. The coffee is rotated to ensure consistent drying 8-10 times a day until it reaches a humidity of 12%, packaged in jute, and sent to the dry mill.

Café Pacas is committed to contributing to their society in a positive manner. Since 2012 they have implemented wellness workshops offered to all their employees. These workshops and programs provide wellness tools, including psychotherapy. People are the lifeblood of Café Pacas and are considered a top priority. OZO has proudly bought coffee from Pacas since 2012!

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