Home Brew Guides

We’ll help you perfect your at home brew the OZO Coffee way

General Brewing

1 Tbs Ground Coffee  –  4 oz Water

This 1:16 ratio will result in a reasonably strong and balanced cup assuming the correct grind size for your brewing method

A decent rule of thumb for most drip coffee should be a medium – medium-fine grind

If brewing a big batch of coffee, go slighly coarser than you may normally for that method

The same can be said for brewing single cups – you can go as fine as table salt and have a tasty drink

Taste matters more than any recipe!

French Press

26 g Coffee (~4 Tbs)  –  420 g (~15 oz) Water  –  Coarse, medium-coarse grind

  • Pour 100 g water just off the boil and stir
  • Let it bloom for 30 seconds
  • Then pour to 420 g
  • Stir crust at 4 minutes
  • Press at 5 minutes, and enjoy
  • It’s okay if you let it steep for longer!

Drip Coffee

We like to start brewing drip coffee at a 1:16 coffee to water ratio. 1 Tbs of ground coffee to 4 oz of water, using a medium, medium-fine grind.

So to brew a 3-cup pot (12 oz cups) in a home drip brewer, we’d scoop 9 Tbs of ground coffee and use 36 oz of water in the machine.

Pour Over

22 g (~3 Tbs) Coffee  –  375 g (~13 oz) Water  –  Medium-fine grind

A simple and consistent two-pour method we like in our QC Lab:

  • Start at a 1:17 ratio, 22 g dose, 375 g water, medium-fine grind
  • 0:00 – 75 g bloom for 45 seconds
  • 0:45 – Tight concentric pour to 200 g, gentle stir or swirl
  • When it’s nearly drained around 1:40, pour to 375 g, gentle stir or swirl
  • Aiming for 3:30 total brew time around 1.35% TDS
  • Highlights acidity and clarity while bringing out the coffee’s inherent sweetness, backed by a medium body to support the cup and its long finish